Spatial ecology of the american crocodile in a tropical Pacific island in Central America
Balaguera-Reina, Sergio A.
Venegas-Anaya, Miryam
Sánchez, Andrés
Arbelaez, Italo
Lessios, Harilaos A.
Densmore, Llewellyn D.
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Conservation of large predators has long been a challenge for biologists due to the limited
information we have about their ecology, generally low numbers in the wild, large home ranges
and the continuous expansion of human settlements. The American crocodile (Crocodylus
acutus) is a typical apex predator, that has suffered from all of these characteristic problems,
especially the latter one. Humans have had a major impact on the recovery of this species
throughout its range, even though most of the countries it inhabits have banned hunting. The
last decade has made it clear that in order to implement sound conservation andmanagement
programs, we must increase our understanding of crocodile spatial ecology. However, in only
two countries where American crocodiles have telemetry studies even been published. Herein
we have characterized the spatial ecology of C. acutus on Coiba Island, Panama, by radiotracking
(VHF transmitters) 24 individuals between 2010 and 2013, to determine movement
patterns, home range, and habitat use.We have then compared our findings with those of previous
studies to develop the most comprehensive assessment of American crocodile spatial
ecology to date. Females showed a higher average movement distance (AMD) than males;
similarly, adults showed a higher AMD than sub-adults and juveniles. However, males exhibited
larger home ranges than females, and concomitantly sub-adults had larger home ranges
than juveniles, hatchlings, and adults. There was an obvious relationship between seasonal
precipitation and AMD, with increased AMD in the dry and “low-wet” seasons, and reduced
AMD during the “true” wet season. We found disaggregate distributions according to age
groups throughout the 9 habitat types in the study area; adults and hatchlings inhabited fewer
habitat types than juveniles and sub-adults. These sex- and age-group discrepancies in movement
and habitat choice are likely due to the influences of reproductive biology and Coiba’s
precipitation cycle. Juveniles also showed distinct movement patterns and home ranges; however,
with sexual maturation and development, these behaviors becamemore characteristic
of adults and sub-adults. Ours is one of a very small number of studies that will allow future
management and conservation planning to be based on the comprehensive integration of the
spatial ecology of a Neotropical crocodylian apex predator.
Palabras clave
Spatial ecology; CrocodileLink to resource
- Año 2016 [88]
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