Study of the physical and chemical changes during thematuration of three cocoa clones, EET8, CCN51, and ICS60
Cubillos Bojacá, Andrés F
GarcíaMuñoz, María C
Calvo Salamanca, Ana M
Carvajal Rojas, Guillermo H
Tarazona-Díaz, Martha P
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BACKGROUND: Colombia is known for its production of fine and aromatic cocoa; however, the lack of homogeneity in the
ripeness stage of cocoa fruit affects the final quality of cocoa beans. Therefore, the aim of this work was to identify parameters
that can be use as indicators of ripeness in cocoa fruit in order to homogenize the characteristics of raw cocoa used in the
production of cocoa-products industry. The parameters evaluated were fruit, seed and pod weight, firmness, color, polar and
equatorial diameters of the fruit, seed moisture content, total titratable acidity, pH, and total soluble solids of pulp.
RESULTS: Factors such as seedweight, firmness, diameters, total soluble solids, pH, and aciditywere affected by the clone factor,
whereas seed weight, pH, and total titratable acidity were affected by ripeness stage.
CONCLUSION: Identification of indicators of ripeness for cocoa fruit is a complex task due to the influence of the clone on the
evolution of the physicochemical characteristics of cocoa fruit during itsmaturation process. Thus, indicators mustbedeveloped
for each clone, andat least two parametersamongcolor,pH, and total titratable acidity shouldbe used todetermine the ripeness
stage of cocoa fruit.
Palabras clave
Cacao; Variety; Maturity; Postharvest; Raw material; Indicator of ripenessLink to resource
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