Conflict and controversy in small cinemas
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Falkowska, Janina
Loska, Krzysztof
Falkowska, Janina
Loska, Krzysztof
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The book Conflict and Controversy in Small Cinemas explores small cinemas in
view of their presentation of the difficult and controversial times we live in today.
The authors concentrate on the dysfunctionality of political, economic, and social
systems; shifting national identities; the exploitation of women and children; ter-
ror and the war on terror; and finally, gender and race stereotypes. These phenom-
ena are studied from the point of view of both interdisciplinary and intercultural
studies, social economy, political theory and film studies.
Small, non-commercial cinemas have always had the tenacity and bravery to
deal with controversial topics, tackle uncomfortable issues and present them in
an uncompromising fashion. Primarily independently funded and not always
financed by their governments or big corporations, they can more truthfully
address the aforementioned topics compared to Hollywood cinema, which is
restricted by its funding policies and political attitudes.
The most distinctive aspect of the book is its timeliness as most chapters deal
with controversial and politically loaded subjects and the here and now of lives
all over the world in the films that are both frank in content and innovative in
It is worth noting that the two main topics of the book, conflict and controversy,
are interpreted in various ways in the selected chapters. The conflicts are not
only political in nature as presented in the films (as illustrated in chapters in
Part 1), but also they are conflicts between film content and form (as illustrated
in chapters in Part 5). Conflicts may be both external and internal, especially
in such controversial cases as the presentation of Roma people (in Part 3).
Controversies surround the lack of controversy in small avant-garde cinemas;
controversies occur in the presentation of gender on the one hand (as analyzed
in Part 2) and in the understanding of film genres such as mockumentaries on the
other (as discussed in Part 4). We present these areas with full understanding that
misunderstanding or hesitation when applying these categories to film analysis
may be both annoying and inspiring at the same time.
Palabras clave
Conflict and Controversy; Small CinemasCreative Commons to resource
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