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Recent Submissions
The South Texas Health Status Review: A Health Disparities Roadmap
(Springer Nature, 2013) -
The Popular Policeman and Other Cases : Psychological Perspectives on Legal Evidence
(Amsterdam University Press; Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, 2005) -
Law, Liberty, And The Pursuit Of Terrorism
(University of Michigan Press, 2014) -
Human Rights in Business : Removal of Barriers to Access to Justice in the European Union
(Taylor & Francis, 2017) -
Repealing the 8th
(Policy Press, 2018) -
(University of Westminster Press, 2018) -
Inter-group Relations and Migrant Integration in European Cities: Changing Neighbourhoods
(Springer Nature, 2016) -
Migrating and Settling in a Mobile World: Albanian Migrants and Their Children in Europe
(Springer Nature, 2015) -
The Future of the Law of the Sea: Bridging Gaps Between National, Individual and Common Interests
(Springer Nature, 2017) -
Integration Processes and Policies in Europe: Contexts, Levels and Actors
(Springer Nature, 2016) -
Migration in the Southern Balkans: From Ottoman Territory to Globalized Nation States
(Springer Nature, 2015) -
Nils Petter Gleditsch: Pioneer in the Analysis of War and Peace
(Springer Nature, 2015) -
River Basin Development and Human Rights in Eastern Africa — A Policy Crossroads
(Springer Nature, 2017) -
Ethnic Identity, Social Mobility and the Role of Soulmates
(Springer Nature, 2018) -
South-North Migration of EU Citizens in Times of Crisis
(Springer Nature, 2017) -
Nordic Mediation Research
(Springer Nature, 2018)