Infection prevention and control in cystic fibrosis: One size fits all?
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Infection control is a core part of patient care in Cystic Fibrosis
(CF). In this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, much of the world is
now dealing with many of the infection control issues that our CF
patients and families deal with on a daily basis. In many ways, our
patients and families are better prepared than most, and the adaptation has been less abrupt. Moreover, our COVID-19 experiences
are somewhat re-enforcing our CF infection control approaches.
We now have a pro-con debate about how to achieve the goals
of protection without unduly encumbering our patients and families, CF teams, and healthcare facilities. You will see that there is
much commonality between the two, and I very much appreciate
the careful literature review and opinions provided [1,2]. You,
the reader, will need to see what works best for you and your
clinic. Here, I will share some personal reflections that I hope will
give yet another way for you to compare. I must point out that my
hospital is in a city with one of the world’s highest rates of COVID19 infection, yet children are rarely symptomatic.
Palabras clave
Infection prevention; COVID-19; Cystic fibrosisLink to resource
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